Forks and Fellowship is a new opportunity to serve other families and friends from our congregation by providing a meal, as well as a time of fellowship and companionship. Each month a handful of different families from the congregation will sign up to host one meal at their home. Then, other families or individuals from the congregation can sign up for a day/time that works well for them to attend one of the meals being offered. On the night that you have signed up for, you will gather together as either the host or guest and enjoy a night of food, fellowship, and togetherness.
This is a ministry of getting to know your neighbor and strengthening the Christian bonds as members of Christ’s Church. Would you like to be a future Host Family?A host family is asked to pick a day/evening and time that they will provide a meal for other families or individuals from the congregation. You can have as few or as many guests that you feel you can accommodate. Families can provide either a lunch or a supper depending on what works best for their schedule.
To sign up as a host family for next month, please provide your name, phone number, email address, street address, a day/time you plan to host your meal, and how many guests you can accomdate in the box below: |
Guest Family Sign-up